Bioidentical Hormones and Testosterone Pellets Therapy
Bioidentical Hormones and Pellets/Testosterone Shots Q & A
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy relieves the night sweats, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness that develop during menopause. Restoring hormones can also prevent other health problems like osteoporosis. At our office we offer comprehensive menopause services, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and testosterone shots, to alleviate problems that arise due to loss of hormones
Most doctor’s offices that do natural hormones with bioidentical creams and pellets charge outside of your insurance. We utilize your insurance to cover the cost of the visits, which helps save you money. We work with local compounding Pharmacy to get compounded creams created for you based on your labs — mailed directly to you, if you’d like. They do your labs under insurance, again saving you money. Your only out-of-pocket cost is for the hormone pellets and the procedure to insert them, which are not covered under insurance.

What are bioidentical hormones?
Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical and molecular structure as the hormones produced by your ovaries. Because they’re bioidentical, your body interacts with them the same way as with its natural hormones, so they may cause fewer side effects.
What menopause symptoms are treated with bioidentical hormones?
Menopause occurs when your ovaries stop producing hormones, but your hormones begin to decline in the three to five years before you reach menopause, a period called perimenopause. Classic menopause symptoms can begin during perimenopause and continue well beyond menopause.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy treats these menopausal symptoms:
- Hot flashes and night sweats
- Vaginal dryness and atrophy
- Painful intercourse
- Low sex drive
- Difficulty sleeping
- Fatigue
- Depression and irritability
- Poor memory and lack of focus
What other health benefits are gained from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Estrogen influences more than your reproductive system. It has a role in bone metabolism and fights the signs of aging in your skin by helping it stay strong, elastic, and hydrated. When you lose estrogen at menopause, or for any other medical reason, you’re at a higher risk for developing:
- Osteoporosis
- Urinary incontinence
- Loss of muscle mass
- Dry skin
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate all of these estrogen-related health concerns.
What is pellet therapy?
Bioidentical hormone replacement is available in a variety of forms that are different from the oral tablets you may expect — and pellets are one of those forms. Pellets are made from hormones that are pressed into small cylinders about the size of a grain of rice.
We implant the pellets just under your skin, at the hip. Once the pellet is in place, it continuously releases the amount of bioidentical hormone you need.
Pellets have definite advantages over other delivery methods used for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, such as creams rubbed into the skin. For starters, they last three to four months. In males, the hormone pellets can last up to six months. They also provide a consistent dose of hormone during that time, so levels in your body stay steady.
Why pellets over conventional hormone therapies?
Medical literature has shown that pellets deliver a consistent level of hormone into the bloodstream, avoiding the fluctuations that occur when using creams, pills or patches. The direct delivery into the bloodstream avoids changes in the liver seen with oral hormone therapy and eliminates production of increased clotting factors. In women, the pellets last 3 to 5 months; in men, 4 to 6 months.
Is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for me?
For Women
If you are a menopausal or peri-menopausal female, are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability, worsening memory and lack of mental clarity, and have a decreased or absent sex drive then bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may be for you.
For Men
If you are a male experiencing the effects of low testosterone (Low-T) such as decreased or absent sexual desire or erectile dysfunction, decreased energy, diminished exercise tolerance, and decreased mental clarity, then bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may be for you.